Assignment and Built-in Scalar Types

Assignment and Built-in Scalar Types#

Learning Objectives#

After working through this topic, you should be able to:

  • List several built-in scalar types in Python

  • Assign and manipulate scalar variables in Python

  • Convert variables between different types



Download the slides.

See the Documentation of Python built-in types.


If you need to represent a real number, in Python you would use ...
Which of the following are properties about floats?
Which values can a Boolean take?
You want to convert a number that you stored as the following string "200,000.000" to a float object corresponding to the number 200000.0. Which of the following codes do you think will do this (try on a notebook if you want)?
What do you expect the following code to produce? True == 1.0
What is the result of summing the Boolean values True, False and True (True + False + True)?